Trials, Blessings, Miracles...

Saturday, October 15, 2005

another week...

It has been a busy week, ups and downs in many ways.
After everything, I still wanna say thank God for everything. =)

And also, very importantly, something that happened today(friday 14 oct), or rather found out, is that NAFA band's trip to Genting has been cancelled!! =) This means, that I can go for the Mighty Man 2 camp!!!! WOOOHOOO!! =D so happy. Found out at the end of band prac when we were starting to pack up, was so happy!! smsed my friend the good news right after I got back to 6th floor from theatre. HEEE!!! =D now I can ask my friends to go too! =)
I've asked one friend already, but he doesn't think he can make it. sigh. Well there's always hope that he might end up being free n wanna go, keep praying! =) Also, I can ask NAFA friends to go too! =) yeahyeahyeah... Thank God for letting me go for the camp! =) for giving me this wonderful chance to get to know you better =)

This week, I've started doing my Bible study class hw, but its been a very slow start.. only started a little little of Day 1! must be more consistent and diligent! succumbed to sleep last night...... Somehow, maybe I've gotta keep all my school work to day time, then can do this Bible study hw at night, or else I'll always be too tired once it hits 2am onwards, or perhaps even 130am.. Its like I sit down and my brain and eyes start shutting down. God please help me to plan my time better and to have the energy and diligence to do ALL my hw! school AND Bible study. And sunday school.

Thank you God for helping me through these last 3 nights of band pracs, it has been very tough, mentally. I haven't really had the time to sit down and prac the few parts I've to play yet, tomorrow's the concert. Its still like a matter of chance on certain bits. And its very mentally and emotionally tiring, strenuous rather, to be the asst 1st in school. haiz. God please help me!!! I don't want to be rude or sin because of anger, but I am weak. I don't want to complain! Its part of my job and I've got to accept it as part and parcel of everything, because it is. God please help me to do my best, and to prac my parts. I should have done that no matter what, no matter what others do, or do not do. Please give me the courage to carry on. Today's prac kicked off with a very bad start, for me. Thank God for helping me through. Don't know how else I could have survived. God please help everybody else in band too, including every person. I thank God that I've got You to lean on and count on for everything. =)

Thank God that I got the chance to talk with ShuYu on the phone just now. It was a long conversation. more than an hour. God please take care of her and help her in everyway possible. Please help that all the people I know, and those that I don't, somehow they'll come to believe in You too. I know from what You have said, that not everybody can be saved because of themselves, as for those that can be saved, please, if there's anything I can do or be use of, please use me! There have been many times when I've met situations at which I see a friend in so much need, yet I do not know how to help or what to do, so helpless. Please teach me and show me each day Your will, that I should follow only where You lead me to, and not stray from Your path or be stubborn. Please forgive me of all my sins.

Thank God for the bilingual Bible that Shu, Dot, Nat and friends at school gave me for my birthday last year. Its really useful! =) and I'm reading through the whole Bible now using that. And I use it for Bible study class and hw. =) I'm now faced with the trouble of what to do with 2 Bibles. I love my old Chinese one, and its got all my markings and stuff in it, since pri1! It holds so much memories and stuff, and I'm more familiar with it. Now, I need the bilingual one too, more rather, because everything's being taught in English now and I need to know what is said in English that I can better understand and communicate with other fellow Christian bros and sisters. And reading the English translation is also very useful because the Chinese translation sometimes contains words or phrases that I do not fully understand the meaning of, but when in English, I can understand the point better, and also, there are times when the English and Chinese meaning are different, and reading both gives me a better idea of what He is trying to tell us. Also, knowing the Bible in English enables me to share with non-Chinese friends and friends who are less familiar with Chinese.
ok I can always transfer the quotes and markings, and finally, I'll need a new Bible skin for this bilingual Bible to protect it from totally becoming rotten from carrying it around. Right now I'm using the original box that it came in as my birthday present, and the box is getting really squashed and it often opens, and the box takes up more space. Once I've done all that, which I must soon, I can carry just 1 Bible around. Have been carrying both around these past few days, week... ha...

Just now on the phone with ShuYu, she commented that I'm speaking more Chinese nowadays during conversation, much more. I guess that's because I'm becoming more aware of my roots and am learning to appreciate it more. I love Chinese anyway. =) Its a beautiful language to speak and listen to.

ok its very late now, 3:13am, dad has come out a few times to ask me to go to bed already. I'll do some of the Bible study class hw then go to sleep.

One very important thing today, today's Daily Bread entry is a reminder to me about spreading the Gospel. We can do our part by sharing and all, but after doing what we can, we must always remember that it is God who puts the final touches to change a person.
Firstly, it is a reminder "To Tell The Truth", as the title says.
The reading is from 2 Corinthians 4:3-7
The quoted verse is
We do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord.
-- 2 Corinthians 4:5

The entry tells about evangelism that shoves the Gospel into people's faces, turning people away instead. It is a reminder to speak only of the truth, what God has told us, only about Him.
The last paragraph says...
"Evangelism is simpleysharing with others what we know about Jesus. "We do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord" (2 Corinthians 4:5). No tricks. No deception. Speak the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth--in love. Then leave the results with God."
I feel that the last sentence speaks to me the most. I should always remember that everything lies in Him, and that I should always leave the results with God. Not that I should be lazy or slack on what I can or should do, but to do my best and then leave the rest with Him. Like today's poem quote says..
It's not our task to force God's truth
On those who may the truth detest,
But we are asked to share Christ's love
And let God's Spirit do the rest.
--D. De Haan

This is something that I've gotta learn, to let go and let God. I always keep holding on stubbornly refusing to let go of things. Perhaps my trouble with which Bible to use is also like this in some way? I know that I need the bilingual Bible now, because of growth, need to grow, and also change in times, yet I keep holding on to my old Chinese Bible.
Question: to tell the truth, as in based on the Bible, would be to tell the Gospel as it is, about just God, Jesus, only? What about telling the truth about how He has worked in my life, sharing. I think we need a balance of both, but how to tell. The verse says "We do not preach ourselves", does that mean that we shouldn't speak about ourselves, as in including our own experiences? That doesn't seem to be the right meaning leh... 'cause we're supposed to share arn't we? as in not about us ourselves, but Him through us.

Life may be tough, but He is the toughest, and He will see us through our journey on Earth, preparing us for Heaven =) I want to be among those saved and standing on Judgement Day. God please help me.

Ok now is the time when my brain starts, IS shutting down. 3:41am
goodnight, will write more again soon. Thank God for everything. =) Please help me to grow in Your Word each day =)


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