first Bible study class
- Thank God for having dad wake me up so patiently twice, and then sending me to school because it was on the way as he was going to town.
- Thank God that although I reached at 11:40am and was late for class, I did not miss any part of the lecture as Mr Yap came late from talking with Mr Adams. Also, I managed to understand most of the lecture.
oh and there's Harmony project to be done, and I'm group leader, ha. Fortunately its a smaller group this time, 5 people, all girls(all girls in my whole tutorial group actually), hope we'll be able to work well together and that I can do my best as a group leader. God please help me!
Also, at the end of the lecture after Mr Yap talked with us group leaders and I was packing my stuff, he asked if I was ok, then said that Ms Karen said that I still had a few assignments due. That really surprised me, because I remember having done up all necessary HWs n CWs due AND handing them in to her last thursday after Harmony test. Maybe Mr Yap's just misinformed or hasn't been updated. Hope that's the case. Still have to check with Ms Karen first to be sure.
- Thank God that I had food for lunch, 2 sausages, 2 slices of wheat bread, an apple and a cup of soupy snack. BUT, I must make sure that I do not eat in the tech room again. esp after the Bible study class tonight, I'm going to make it a point to obey all the rules set before me as much as I possibly can. Thank God that I haven't gotten caught before, I'll make sure that I don't, by not commiting the same offence again.
- Thank God that I had the chance to practise with Nat for over an hour, I'd say close to 2 hours in total I think(?).. (WOW!) this afternoon. Thank God for her patience with my being slow and sometimes difficult, and her willingness to help me whenever we practice together. Please help me not to complain so much and to be more understanding of her. I think I must have overpractised as Alan said, or at least overstressed myself this afternoon. Was very shakey by the end of our first session of practice, and even after the close to an hour(?) break and rest, I was still rather shakey when we practised again for the recording. There was improvement at certain parts, definitely, but I think was mentally overtaxed. I'm not so sure about Nat, just know that she MUSt have been tired too. Am really grateful that during the second session planned for just recording once, she willingly urged me to go on and practised the parts in Animato that I had difficulty with, and even recorded the Animato over two more times AND play through the whole 1st movement again. Thank God very much for such a friend and accompanist, I am very fortunate.
- Thank God that although I was shaking even worse after practising the Strauss, He gave me the strength to practise my E minor scale.
- Thank God for helping me to remember to bring my bilingual Bible and Aural ear-training book with me when I left school.
- Thank God for providing me with food for dinner and time to eat. All that shakey-ness must have caused me to lose my appetite, so just bought a vegetable bao.
- Thank God that I caught the buses without having to wait too long and reached Hakka Methodist Church early, 7:35pm, so had time to eat the bao and calm down abit and read a little bit of Colossians. Thank God also that I met JM on the bus at Orchard MRT stop, and chatted with him, which also helped to calm me down, especially since he started asking questions related to the Bible and church(though I wasn't sure if he might have been a little sarcastic) after learning that I was going for a Bible study class. Thank God for letting me meet somebody I was familiar with before going to somewhere unfamiliar with not very familiar people. Oh and also thank God for letting me meet Dot downstairs at the main door when I was leaving. Told her about the Bible study class I was going to and shared my worries and fear with her. She encouraged me and reminded me that I was going there for God and not people, so not to be scared.
- And thank God that in the end, everything was ok. Yibin came around 7.50+pm, was so glad to see him when he came walking up to the gate. Thank God for helping me stay calm and not acting silly or getting overly paranoid. Got a seat between him and his friend Rosie, who shared her textbook and notes with me, and was introduced to them. Moses, Rosie, and his oboe ex-student Rebecca, a baby christian, just 2 weeks. =) Thank God. Oh and Yibin had actually arranged for Rosie to share her stuff with me, touched that he was so thoughtful as to do that. The people there were warm and friendly, and most importantly, the lesson was WONDERFUL! Was totally flooded with so much of God's word, His meanings, advices, and lots more! Really wowed and looking forward to the start of the next course already! haha.. =D No worries about dozing off during her(Cecilia Perh's) lesson. She was very spirited and eager to share. And with a topic like God's word, the feeling is, well, just indescribable. Even though I was rather urgent for a toilet break halfway through, He helped me to bear through the whole lesson. Rosie said that they usually have a break halfway through, but there wasn't one today, maybe because it was the last lesson on Colossians and she had alot to teach. There really was alot, and she went non-stop, power man! haha.. So glad that I went for the Bible study class. I'm going to tell more people about this! =D
- Thank God for giving me the chance to meet some of the other people there, including Yibin's elder brother(don't know his name) and a lady he was with, can't remember her name, something-Jun, and a very warm and friendly lady HuiJun. After that, walked to the bus stop with Yibin, Rebecca, HuiJun, and a couple of other people. Had the chance to chat with Rebecca, glad to meet her. She's from AMK Sec and knowns JieMin from ATSB, Singapore is SO SMALL! haha.. Thank God that 162 came just as we were reaching the bus stop (thank God one that's closer to the church than the one I alighted at earlier), so I said a quick bye and rushed to catch the bus.
- Thank God that I reached home early, 1045pm, so got to talk a little with mum and hui again. =p Dad was downstairs when I reached home but he soon went up to do his work, he was quite blur as usual when I said hi to him after he went up, haha..
- Thank God very much that I've finished my Aural HW for this week! Wasn't too bad, my results were quite encouraging =D yeah! Must practise aural more and not slack again!
ok its like 1 min to 4am already!! so fast!!!! I must type faster, and start earlier next time. This is precisely why I stopped blogging in the past, because I always took so long and ended up sleeping so late, but this time I've got a different purpose, so God will help me find a way to juggle all my commitments, and I'll make sure that I play my part by being commited and punctual.
Off to bed now! goodnight! =)
To whoever is reading this, take care and God bless you always. =)
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