Trials, Blessings, Miracles...

Sunday, September 25, 2005

just thank God...

Well, dunno what to put for my title, so really just thank God. =)
24 September 2005 Saturday

  • Thank God that although I had a headache after waking up around lunch time, I had a very restful day, 'cause I went back to napping after eating 3/4 of my lunch and 2panadol pills. I don't normally eat panadol 'cause it seems useless on me, but mum said it could help so I just tried. I'm still uncertain about its effectiveness on me, but the fact remains that I was better by dinner time, and grabbed an apple and rushed off to Esplanade for the Mahler 6 concert.
  • Thank God that although I initially thought that I had gotten onto a "black cab" becuase the driver didn't seem to know how to go to CTE from Thomson, and didn't have the usual taxi driver's name and details put up on the windscreen, it turned out to be ok. The driver uncle got worried when we reached Novena and I called dad to ask directions and advice, offering to give me a free ride for the trouble. But after chatting with him more further on and hearing his story, and asking him to show me his lisence which he did in the end, I realised that he really was clean, just a new driver who didn't know the roads that well and that his cab didn't have the slot for the driver ID put up on the windscreen yet. Paid the full amount of the cab fare, couldn't bare to take a free ride after all the trouble and worry I'd caused.
  • Thank God that I safely got to Esplanade with 5mins to spare, wasn't late, and saw many others that I knew sitting on the same level as me. Including school people, a couple of Mus'art people and other friends, including those I was guessing would turn up. Saw Akari too! Wasn't sure if it was her at first 'cause the hall lights were dimmed by the time she entered, but met her with Yibin after the concert at the Concourse. So happy to see her! =) She looked kind of tired, hope she's ok, God please take care of her and bless her. Oh yeah, she's going back to Japan on monday, maybe can send her off? haha dunno. =p
  • Thank God for all the people that I saw and met, and that I didn't get paranoid. was bit worried bout my e effect of my hair on ppl at first, but turned out ok, still communicatable with everybody =) THANK GOD! and also thank God for comforting me on my way home, when i was stone/stunned stiff when i knew i had to go home, n got stiffly onto e bus, when everyone else, including everybody, was going out elsewhere after e concert.

This is today's entry from Daily Bread, was reading it on the way home, and more, up til verse 64.
25 我的性命几乎归于尘土,求祢照祢的话将我救活。
26 我述说我所行的,祢应允了我;求祢将祢的律例教训我。
27 求你使我明白祢的训词,我就思想祢的奇事。
28 我的心因愁苦而消化,求祢照祢的话使我坚立。
29 求祢使我离开奸诈的道,开恩将祢的律法赐给我。
30 我拣选了忠信的道,将祢的典章摆在我面前。
31 我持守祢的法度;耶和华啊,求祢不要叫我羞愧。
32 祢开广我心的时候,我就往祢命令的道上直奔。

33 耶和华啊,求祢将祢的律例指教我,我必遵守到底。
34 求祢赐我悟性,我便遵守祢的律法,且要一心遵守。
35 求祢叫我遵行祢的命令因为这是我所喜悦的。
36 求祢使我的心,趋向祢的法度,不趋向非义之财。
37 求祢叫我转眼不看虚假,又叫我在祢的道中生活。
38 祢向敬畏祢的人所应许的话,求祢向仆人坚定。
39 求祢使我所怕的羞辱远离我,因祢的典章本为美。
40 我羡慕祢的训词,求祢使我在祢的公义上生活。
-诗篇 119 篇 25-40节
Thank God for the comfort and reminder.

  • Thank God that I had the chance to talk with some friends online after getting home.
  • Thank God for my dinner at home, that I could eat without much loss of appetite, which happened during lunch.
  • Just thank God for everything that's happened. Can't say everything here, too much I guess, but yeah, Thank GOD! =) I'm happy. Indeed everything that He plans for our life, has its own reason, and is all in His time. Just gotta learn and always remember to be patient! =) Faith Hope and Love! =)

Thank God for renewing my Faith in You.

Thank God for giving me Hope whenever I'm sad or down or need help.

Thank God for always Loving me and being there for me.

Going to sleep now. 2.10am

To those who are reading this,
Take care and God bless you always! =)


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