Trials, Blessings, Miracles...

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

hmmm... thank God again! haha =D

Aha I'm here again. In the middle of the week too. I'm supposed to be doing Aural HW now, but realised that I didn't write down this week HW! Don't know what we're supposed to do, and at this time, there's hardly anybody to ask. Of the 3 people I asked, only 1 replied and he doesn't know, ha, so not very useful. Must remember to always write down my HW!

I want to thank God for safely bringing me through the last few days, and that despite being on the verge of having migraine outburst again, I survived! really thank God! And what's more, I didn't have to go for NAFA orchestra prac last night because they weren't rehearsing 1 piece im playing, so could go home earlier, and even better, with Dot, and Hui'en to the bus stop.

2:00am, WOO.. ITS RAINING!! =) shiok. I should sleep soon, don't want to be late for school tomorrow.

Sunday 2 October 2005
thank God that although I stayed up really late

[wow blogger's pretty good! internet browser just had prob and had to end program again, but blogger managed to save what I'd typed half way and recover the post! great! THANK GOD! =)]

As I was saying, Thank God that although I stayed up really late, doing stuff, I think was it History horn presentation? then doing the photos for the black paper for Marie and family, and only slept around 4am, I woke up around 8am when mum called me! Had time to shower and rushed to redo and reprint the photos that turned out farnie on Hui's computer as her powerpoint was an older version. Thank God for that! and that I finally finished the black paper and passed it to XiaoWan at the end of Mus'art prac.
Thank God very very much that I stayed awake during the sermon! all of it! =D managed to copy notes and learn and remember some stuff. Missed the last bit of the conclusion as I was listening and it was flashed quickly, but am still very happy about being able to stay awake and concentrate enough to listen, learn and understand! =) Thank God.


> 海啸 tsunami
> 飓风 typhoon (Katrina)
> 新奥尔良水灾 (New Orleans)

  1. 洪水: > 不是一般的水灾
    > 带来很大的影响
    > 旧的时代的结束
    what happened in 挪亚 aka Noah's time: because of 创世记 Genesis 6:5, --> result in 创 Gen 6:7
  2. 拯救: > 彼得后书 2Peter 6:5
    - the righteous (Noah) saved
    - God retained the good (Noah) so that news/knowledge about God can be spread
    > 神的预备: 希伯来书 Hebrews 11:7
    - 七对, seven pairs of, 洁净的畜类 --> 可用来献祭
    - 七对不洁净的畜类 --> shows that God is merciful, still saves all, everything.
  3. 恩典: 神为什么单单救了挪亚
    > 创 Gen 6:8-9 --> 他是个义人
    > 创 Gen 7:5 --> 他有信心obedience
    - 建方舟不容易, 但是挪亚还是听从,去行。
    > 他传讲神的道

Evidence of Noah's history in Chinese language: 船 character is made up of = 舟 aka boat + 八 aka eight + 口 mouth, representing people.[to find out more about Chinese language's relation to Biblical history, see previous post on Ancient Chinese Language Related to Bible]


> 邪恶时代 . . . .

That's all I managed to jot down. There's 3 points in the conclusion, didn't quite catch because he went quite fast. Its about how our present times are evil, that we should beware, the end times are near, shown by all the prophecies of catastrophies and natural disasters and other evil deeds happening in our time, about God and floods/water's connection.
Got me thinking again about how many people there are who haven't been saved. sigh. 加油! God please help us who call ourselves Christians to grow in You each day, in Faith and maturity, spiritually, that others may see from our actions and words that You are truly God and that they will believe in You too.

Just wanna thank God so much for keeping me safe and always being there for me, in times of difficulties and through my joys. =) Thank God that I survived being the only horn player at Mus'art today(sunday). Thank God that I got to prac at night.

Thank God that PS on Monday 3 October 2005 was ok. I'm going to finish this second course of scales, all on F horn, meaning I'll have to go on to the 3rd course of it which is everything, all the semiquavers at crotchet=120! ah! very fasT! God please help me. At least by the end of the coming 3rd course my tongueing, accuracy, finger-tongue-lips coordination, and technique in this area should be much better! ha. God please please help me. THANKS! =)
Also thank God that I managed to play ok for band, and finally turned up for my own History tutorial timeslot! was still late, very late, reached 10:40am, but thank God that the bus came just after I reached the bus stop and it was fast! took only 20mins to reach school =) Thank God indeed! =)

There's just so much that happens within a day that I can't possibly say thank You enough times. Thank God for that =)

Today the most prominent things that I wanna thank for are that:

  • Didn't miss much of Harmony although I was late as Mr Yap was giving out our test papers! AND I PASSED!! 50/100! TOTALLY FORTUNATE! got exactly 15/30 for part A and 35/70 for part B! How fortunate is that?!?!?! Really a miracle!!=) THANK GOD!! HOORAY!! haha.. =p
  • Had a very filling lunch, brought lots of food today =p, and most importantly, I've started a new commitment, to read through the whole of the Bible. Will read a chapter or two each day. Started during lunch, read while eating at the staircase beside the cargo lift. And the best thing is that I'm reading from my bilingual Bible! =D
  • Thank God that I cleared my file and organised some History and Harmony stuff today. I'm sorry that I complained so much about my files being too thin and watever else and complaining about having no file to use for portfolio submission. Should have prayed instead. Will remember more! God please help me to always be grateful and not complain so much. Thanks! =)
  • Thank God that I praced my F# min scale today, and Kopprasch etude no.16! Was very disappointed with my horrible tongueing and tongue-finger coordination at first, but was better after the last break. Really thank God for helping me keep from getting overly looking down on myself and feeling horrible again. Thank God that I got to chat with Alan instead =)

Thank God for helping me see more joy in everyday life, and to learn to look more on the bright side rather than wallow in the negative and sad things that happen, and for giving me peace within myself.

God today something bad happened. There was a fight between 2 guys outside the vegetarian restaurant around late afternoon-evening time. 2 of my friends were there and were unfortunately involved. From what I heard, one was splattered with blood from the stab victim, and the other's cup of hot drink was used forcefully on the stabber. Heard the scene was really messy with blood and all, and that the stab victim was across the street sitting outside mega foodcourt shaking and dripping with blood. Must have been horribly gruesome. Such horrible things keep appearing in the news on tv and papers, and now this one has hit so close to home. God, certainly 世界末日要到了,求祢帮助我们在这些日子里能够坚强,勇敢,不要因世界的丑事而灰心,乃要继续传扬祢的福音,更加警跟这祢,阅读和听从祢的话语。So many things to be careful of! Please help us God! for we are weak and need You. Musn't give up!

ok must go to sleep now. 3:22am. SLEEP! I'm sorry that I can't do my Aural hw because I don't know what we're supposed to do. I promise that I'll be more attentive in the future and always write down and remember to do.

To those who are reading this:
Take care and God bless you always =)


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