Trials, Blessings, Miracles...

Saturday, October 08, 2005

today's Family Worship

Just now during family worship, dad did the sharing. It was about...
(got this from his notes and added abit)

The Law of Potential

1. Potential -- unexposed ability, hidden power one can do, but has not yet done.
提摩太后书 2 Timothy 4:6
Paul used his potential to the fullest.

2. God is the source of all potential.
(He is...)
- Omnipresent [is everywhere]
- Omniscent [knows all]
- Omnipotent [has all power]
(because of above 3 points), hence all things are possible with God.
In 创世记 Genesis 1:1, God created.

3. Everything in life came from a "seed-thought", 一个出发点. (doesn't literally mean a seed of
Like how a tiny spark can start a great fire.

4. Nothing potentially great in life is ever instant.
It takes times to realise.
Can be from ideas, dreams, visions, concepts, imaginations.
希伯来书 Hebrew 3:11 (<-- can't figure out the connection of this verse at the moment, gonna ask Dad again)

5. Potential is released by hardworks.
We are created to work -- Adam was given tasks [创世记 Genesis 1:4-5]

6. To maximise potential, we have to use to the max of our capacity, do our best.
歌林多前书 1 Corinthians 2:9 -- to discover the purpose God has for you, His plans.

7. Constant comparison can harm one's potential.
True success is in what you have performed(done, acomplished).
But to be the best I can be. Like Paul 加拉太书 Galatians 6:4.

8. Past experience can hinder Faith and harm potential.
创 Gen 2:16

9. To maximise potential, I need to obey the Lord's Law of Limitation for me.
(all potential has a limit)
Potential is meant to bless and not to harm.
Therefore we need the guide of the Holy Spirit.

10. Potential is maximised when you share it with others.
[Being single is not equal to being alone.]

That's what Dad shared with us today.

I'm really tired now, must go to sleep, totally dozing off.
Thank God for letting me hear my alarm this morning, or rather at 12pm. Thank God for the time spent during lunch with Mum, Dad and Ai, and that Dad gave me a lift to MacRitchie bus stop. Saw 2 Christian Chinese guys talking and listened, thank God for the reminder to not be selfish, in actions and prayer, but to pray for others and pray to be able to help others. Thank God for bringing me safely to school today, and that I had the chance to do some of the History GW with FongYee. God please help us to put in our best effort and do the best that we can, despite obsticles like poor understanding of the language/info given or poor analytical skills/understanding, overcoming them. Thank God for letting me understand the english language a little better that I can do something to help in this area of understanding the handouts/notes. Please help me when I'm confused or don't understand. Thank God that Composition and Orchestration lectures went well today. Thank God very much that after "balloting" for our Compo assignment submission dates, I got the latest one, 26 Oct. Please help me to start doing my work early that I should not rush at the last minute, and please God give me the inspiration to know what to write. Thank God too that I had the chance to have dinner with Vanessa and Yiwei, spent time together talking while eating. Thank God that PLCMC Orch tonight was ok, improved my playing on some parts, and thank God that I got to do some warm up and prac the Animato part a little. Thank God for the prata supper, yummy! =) Thank God for the Family Worship time together. =) Thank God for everything! =)

ok really shall go to sleep now. 3:24am. goodnight =)

To those who are reading this:
Take care and God bless you always =)


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