Terrible day of the LORD
Have recently read the email sharings of a brother and a sister in Christ and have been moved to share them with everyone, including my sharing. Some may have read this via email from me already, but i would still like to share this here.
1st Sharing, from Yibin:
I just have a burden to do a short sharing to encourage and push one another.
When i saw the natural disaster reported of Taiwan last night, my heart was sitrred into thinking: Indeed i have been hearing such kind of news frequently over the recent years. Seems to me like natural disasters have been increasing throughout the world. Then, i thought quickly "But Singapore is safe. If you migrate here, then you are free from 'natural problems'." Seemed that i was wrong too - Swine flu has been pressing hard just on Singapore alone, with new strain found recently (H2N3); some have died on the flu itself. Its not true that one can be safe from 'natural disasters' in Singapore. I cannot avoid, but to realise that the great and terrible day of the LORD is coming.
"But since we are of the day, let us be sober... For God has not destined us for wrath..." 1 Thess 5:8a, 9a
"Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, and the LORD gave attention and hear it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the LORD and who esteem His name." Mal 4:16
I was almost guilty immediately for having forgotten "the great and terrible day of the LORD" (Mal 4:5). It caught me red-handed. I tell myself "Its another week of Tuanqi this saturday". I tell myself "I have time to repent of my sin, God is patient." Sometimes, i walk past the poor and needy, hardening my heart against them. Alas, i often take the Lord's patience as a licence to be 'drunk' in my own sins and to be careless about my ministries and my life.
I must honestly admit the reality of my short service time here on earth doesn't seem too real: Watchman nee says the time to glorify God is here on earth, for when we reach heaven, there is nothing more we need to do like on earth - no sin-fighting, no gospel-sharing, just being w/ the LORD and worshipping Him... there is nothing more we can do in fact. I guess the reality of the 5 unprepared virgins being shut outside the door is not that real to me as well. I take grace too much for granted, thinking i will always have time.
Its really hard for me to imagine, especially i feel i am so young. I feel i have so many long-term goals to meet out: finish 2 years of my abroad studies, then plan for work, family, and my future... but... what if tomorrow doesn't come? What if God says "Time's up, Yibin" to me? Then by then, before the LORD, am i clear in my conscience to say "I have been ready, preparing for you to come?" I just hope this serves as a reminder to us, never to think in our spiritual life "I have time to change, so let me continue in sin, in my drunkeness".
2nd Sharing, from Xinyu:
Dear brothers and sisters-in-Christ,
After reading Yibin’s email, I had this strong urge to share with you all some things that have been weighing on my heart and mind recently.
I will start by sharing my 2 recent encounters. Four days ago, on my journey home after BSF (Bible Study Fellowship), I saw this huge bright moon that feels very near to me too. I could even see the shadows on the moon VERY clearly. I REALLY gasped at the sight of it and the friend beside me asked why I seem so shocked (in a bad way), because she thought it was cute. I was at a loss for words and could only utter, “For a moment, I thought that’s the end.” After that, I asked myself “Why am I so scared? Am I right with GOD? How honest am I before Him? 50%, 70% or haven’t talked/prayed to Him much for the past few days?”
My second encounter. I fell very ill 2 weeks ago. For days, I thought my unwell was not big enough for any cause for concern. But I never expected myself to wake up one morning in extreme pain, unable to move. It was excruciating and the worst pain was, I didn’t really know what was happening. While lying on bed for an hour before getting up, my mind kept fluctuating between a blank and turmoil state. The doctor took a test that day and while waiting for the results to be out after 48hrs or for my condition to improve, I could hardly do anything due to my pain and weakness. I felt as if life came to a halt but I must say, the most tormenting part was not knowing what was happening.
Thank God I am feeling much better now, but it really taught me many important and invaluable lessons. Everything felt surreal and scary then. Like Yibin said, it is hard to believe something may happen and there may not be the next 3 years of uni and then working. There are still so many things I want to do. I feel driven, but by what and for what? By pride for earthly transient things or by God’s love for His Kingdom and His glory?
2 days ago, I just attended a talk by Mark Dever, a senior pastor in Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington D.C, and I was hardly able to breath during and after the talk. His questions gripped my heart and so imprinted on my mind. “Is your happiness within your enemies’ reach?” “Are you enslaved by your pleasures? Be careful because pleasures can choke you.” “If you don’t spend time reading the Bible, how are you spending your life? Building idols?” “Can you be happy under any circumstances?” He also confronted the issue of wealth and giving of our time and resources. “It is not how much you give but how much you keep.” “Christian’s life is about leaning on God so much so that our lives don’t make sense.”
I know I have SO MUCH things I need to do. My lifestyle needs radical change. I need to stop giving myself excuses. Don’t assume there is time. I am speaking this for myself for right at this moment, I am fighting with my own pride and desire for human approval. Just this morning, I felt so down and apologetic to God because I backed out the moment my friend said “You won’t go to hell just because you miss a service.” (They wanted to do a project on Sun and the timing don’t allow me to attend the morning nor the evening service.) After that incident, I don’t even dare to mention the fact we are infringing copyrights by photocopying an assessment form.:(
Do I have the courage to tell them who GOD is even though it may sound silly and even simply hilarious to them? Okie, that concerns group work. How about my individual presentation? I did not get the topics I wanted and ended up with a discussion qn about sexual health. Do I dare to use this opportunity to let them know who GOD is? And to conclude with something that is the direct truth from the Bible? May God help me and us to learn to lean on Him so much that our lives don’t make sense.
In Him,
3rd Sharing, from me(written on 14.08.2009):
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Yes indeed these are all big reminders in the face to remind us. In a way thank God. And indeed we must really keep on the watch out, because we are so "dumb-wood" and thick at times, and now that God has used such big things in our face, let us recognised the signs and really be on the alert in how we live our lives. [Luke路 12:54-56]
Would like to call for dear brothers and sisters to pray for the Typhoon Morakot situation in Taiwan. i admit i've been very lagging with world news, have just heard about the Taiwan disaster from a taiwanese friend here(in Germany), who called me just now and was talking about it. She wants to write letters of request for help to international aid organisations because the Taiwan government is not doing enough and is too slow, and has asked me to help her write it in English. Will be helping her to translate it tomorrow. Its really a big thing, and now that i've gotten to know more taiwanese friends here, it really strikes much closer than before. There are lots of people there who are still unable to reach aid, over a hundred dead in the southern half of taiwan, and more still missing. especially in the mountainous areas. This may simply sound like a news report, but let us be reminded that these are real severe disasters happening to real people, real souls who need God.
It is really a reminder to me of how much we need to pray for the salvation of others and for opportunities and love, courage and wisdom to share the gospel to people. i've been working at a Chinese Restaurant here since about a month ago, a couple of days each week. And especially since i've been working at the bar since last week, that means lots of washing, drying/polishing drink glasses etc, its been more physical than mental work and i've been able to hum hymns etc all day long, spending time with God in this way and had the opportunity to share about the gospel and christianity with 2 colleagues and have given a Bible to one of them(sponsored by the Chinese Church here). Particularly these 2 days at work, have been reminded how much i could have spent that same time using my heart and mind to pray for the salvation of my colleagues and other people while my hands are busy. i'm trying to do that. Do let's all work together in this ministry of reconciliation [2 Cor 林后 5:18-20] which God has given us. It will not be easy but God's grace is sufficient for us, let us seek Him indeed for all of our needs because He alone is the source of all life.
with love in Christ,
chun'en ruth
Although my friend did not write the aid request letter in the end because she had seen later news updates about foreign help coming in, we should still continue with our battle against the evil spiritual forces and uphold one another in prayer. And i've also heard comforting news from a brother here that a large number of the aboriginal taiwanese living in the rural and mountainous areas who were affected are already family in Christ. They were first evangelised by western missionaries many years ago. Do let's continue praying for the salvation of those still living, that death may no longer have its grip on us, but is actually a door through which we must go to leave this world and go to be with our Saviour Lord Jesus Christ and Father God in Heaven.
1st Sharing, from Yibin:
I just have a burden to do a short sharing to encourage and push one another.
When i saw the natural disaster reported of Taiwan last night, my heart was sitrred into thinking: Indeed i have been hearing such kind of news frequently over the recent years. Seems to me like natural disasters have been increasing throughout the world. Then, i thought quickly "But Singapore is safe. If you migrate here, then you are free from 'natural problems'." Seemed that i was wrong too - Swine flu has been pressing hard just on Singapore alone, with new strain found recently (H2N3); some have died on the flu itself. Its not true that one can be safe from 'natural disasters' in Singapore. I cannot avoid, but to realise that the great and terrible day of the LORD is coming.
"But since we are of the day, let us be sober... For God has not destined us for wrath..." 1 Thess 5:8a, 9a
"Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, and the LORD gave attention and hear it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the LORD and who esteem His name." Mal 4:16
I was almost guilty immediately for having forgotten "the great and terrible day of the LORD" (Mal 4:5). It caught me red-handed. I tell myself "Its another week of Tuanqi this saturday". I tell myself "I have time to repent of my sin, God is patient." Sometimes, i walk past the poor and needy, hardening my heart against them. Alas, i often take the Lord's patience as a licence to be 'drunk' in my own sins and to be careless about my ministries and my life.
I must honestly admit the reality of my short service time here on earth doesn't seem too real: Watchman nee says the time to glorify God is here on earth, for when we reach heaven, there is nothing more we need to do like on earth - no sin-fighting, no gospel-sharing, just being w/ the LORD and worshipping Him... there is nothing more we can do in fact. I guess the reality of the 5 unprepared virgins being shut outside the door is not that real to me as well. I take grace too much for granted, thinking i will always have time.
Its really hard for me to imagine, especially i feel i am so young. I feel i have so many long-term goals to meet out: finish 2 years of my abroad studies, then plan for work, family, and my future... but... what if tomorrow doesn't come? What if God says "Time's up, Yibin" to me? Then by then, before the LORD, am i clear in my conscience to say "I have been ready, preparing for you to come?" I just hope this serves as a reminder to us, never to think in our spiritual life "I have time to change, so let me continue in sin, in my drunkeness".
2nd Sharing, from Xinyu:
Dear brothers and sisters-in-Christ,
After reading Yibin’s email, I had this strong urge to share with you all some things that have been weighing on my heart and mind recently.
I will start by sharing my 2 recent encounters. Four days ago, on my journey home after BSF (Bible Study Fellowship), I saw this huge bright moon that feels very near to me too. I could even see the shadows on the moon VERY clearly. I REALLY gasped at the sight of it and the friend beside me asked why I seem so shocked (in a bad way), because she thought it was cute. I was at a loss for words and could only utter, “For a moment, I thought that’s the end.” After that, I asked myself “Why am I so scared? Am I right with GOD? How honest am I before Him? 50%, 70% or haven’t talked/prayed to Him much for the past few days?”
My second encounter. I fell very ill 2 weeks ago. For days, I thought my unwell was not big enough for any cause for concern. But I never expected myself to wake up one morning in extreme pain, unable to move. It was excruciating and the worst pain was, I didn’t really know what was happening. While lying on bed for an hour before getting up, my mind kept fluctuating between a blank and turmoil state. The doctor took a test that day and while waiting for the results to be out after 48hrs or for my condition to improve, I could hardly do anything due to my pain and weakness. I felt as if life came to a halt but I must say, the most tormenting part was not knowing what was happening.
Thank God I am feeling much better now, but it really taught me many important and invaluable lessons. Everything felt surreal and scary then. Like Yibin said, it is hard to believe something may happen and there may not be the next 3 years of uni and then working. There are still so many things I want to do. I feel driven, but by what and for what? By pride for earthly transient things or by God’s love for His Kingdom and His glory?
2 days ago, I just attended a talk by Mark Dever, a senior pastor in Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington D.C, and I was hardly able to breath during and after the talk. His questions gripped my heart and so imprinted on my mind. “Is your happiness within your enemies’ reach?” “Are you enslaved by your pleasures? Be careful because pleasures can choke you.” “If you don’t spend time reading the Bible, how are you spending your life? Building idols?” “Can you be happy under any circumstances?” He also confronted the issue of wealth and giving of our time and resources. “It is not how much you give but how much you keep.” “Christian’s life is about leaning on God so much so that our lives don’t make sense.”
I know I have SO MUCH things I need to do. My lifestyle needs radical change. I need to stop giving myself excuses. Don’t assume there is time. I am speaking this for myself for right at this moment, I am fighting with my own pride and desire for human approval. Just this morning, I felt so down and apologetic to God because I backed out the moment my friend said “You won’t go to hell just because you miss a service.” (They wanted to do a project on Sun and the timing don’t allow me to attend the morning nor the evening service.) After that incident, I don’t even dare to mention the fact we are infringing copyrights by photocopying an assessment form.:(
Do I have the courage to tell them who GOD is even though it may sound silly and even simply hilarious to them? Okie, that concerns group work. How about my individual presentation? I did not get the topics I wanted and ended up with a discussion qn about sexual health. Do I dare to use this opportunity to let them know who GOD is? And to conclude with something that is the direct truth from the Bible? May God help me and us to learn to lean on Him so much that our lives don’t make sense.
In Him,
3rd Sharing, from me(written on 14.08.2009):
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Yes indeed these are all big reminders in the face to remind us. In a way thank God. And indeed we must really keep on the watch out, because we are so "dumb-wood" and thick at times, and now that God has used such big things in our face, let us recognised the signs and really be on the alert in how we live our lives. [Luke路 12:54-56]
Would like to call for dear brothers and sisters to pray for the Typhoon Morakot situation in Taiwan. i admit i've been very lagging with world news, have just heard about the Taiwan disaster from a taiwanese friend here(in Germany), who called me just now and was talking about it. She wants to write letters of request for help to international aid organisations because the Taiwan government is not doing enough and is too slow, and has asked me to help her write it in English. Will be helping her to translate it tomorrow. Its really a big thing, and now that i've gotten to know more taiwanese friends here, it really strikes much closer than before. There are lots of people there who are still unable to reach aid, over a hundred dead in the southern half of taiwan, and more still missing. especially in the mountainous areas. This may simply sound like a news report, but let us be reminded that these are real severe disasters happening to real people, real souls who need God.
It is really a reminder to me of how much we need to pray for the salvation of others and for opportunities and love, courage and wisdom to share the gospel to people. i've been working at a Chinese Restaurant here since about a month ago, a couple of days each week. And especially since i've been working at the bar since last week, that means lots of washing, drying/polishing drink glasses etc, its been more physical than mental work and i've been able to hum hymns etc all day long, spending time with God in this way and had the opportunity to share about the gospel and christianity with 2 colleagues and have given a Bible to one of them(sponsored by the Chinese Church here). Particularly these 2 days at work, have been reminded how much i could have spent that same time using my heart and mind to pray for the salvation of my colleagues and other people while my hands are busy. i'm trying to do that. Do let's all work together in this ministry of reconciliation [2 Cor 林后 5:18-20] which God has given us. It will not be easy but God's grace is sufficient for us, let us seek Him indeed for all of our needs because He alone is the source of all life.
with love in Christ,
chun'en ruth
Although my friend did not write the aid request letter in the end because she had seen later news updates about foreign help coming in, we should still continue with our battle against the evil spiritual forces and uphold one another in prayer. And i've also heard comforting news from a brother here that a large number of the aboriginal taiwanese living in the rural and mountainous areas who were affected are already family in Christ. They were first evangelised by western missionaries many years ago. Do let's continue praying for the salvation of those still living, that death may no longer have its grip on us, but is actually a door through which we must go to leave this world and go to be with our Saviour Lord Jesus Christ and Father God in Heaven.